How to get the best Priceline hotel deals!
There are 3 ways to use Priceline to book your hotel stays.
1. General Hotel Booking
This option is similar to booking a hotel or vacation on Hotels.com, Expedia or Orbitz etc. You might get some good deals by booking your hotels utilizing this options however, the other two options covered below can potentially get you up to 50 - 60% off the same hotels.
2. Priceline Express Deals : Tips/Hacks Coming Soon
Utilizing this option will give you access to discounted deals but, with the condition that the 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 or 5 star hotel option you selected in a particular location (see below) will only be revealed after you have prepaid for it on Priceline.
3. Name Your Price Bidding: Tips/Hacks Coming Soon
In this option you choose the location you prefer to stay in, choose the star level of you hotel and name your own price per room & night. If Priceline accepts your price bid for your selected star level & location, your credit card on file will be charge and your hotel name will be revealed.
Please note that if you do not purchase the travel insurance offered at the time of your Priceline hotel booking you will be unable to cancel your stay for any unforeseeable circumstances.

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